The Lab

The Lab

The Lab

Ni Hao, My A**

Ni Hao, My A**

Ni Hao, My A**




Focus Areas

Physical Computing, Art Making, Concept Creation, Performance


Arduino Lilypad




Ni Hao, My Ass is a wearable device for Asian women who experience racist catcalling. The dress empowers the wearer to denounce the aggressors in a provocative but non-confrontational, non-verbal manner by automating the process.

The user dons a specially designed dress and a pair of underwear. When the user experiences a racist catcall, they activate the automated response by pressing a discreetly placed button, which triggers a motor that raises the hem of the dress and reveals the eye-catching red underwear with their retort, “ni hao, racist.” 




While living in Paris, France, it was commonplace for me to experience people "greeting" me with the words "ni hao". According to those people, it was a friendly way of greeting people of Asian descent. My classmate, Kris Madden, and I decided to make a dress that empowers the wearer in a non-aggressive manner while still calling people out on their racism.

While living in Paris, France, it was commonplace for me to experience people "greeting" me with the words "ni hao". According to those people, it was a friendly way of greeting people of Asian descent. My classmate, Kris Madden, and I decided to make a dress that empowers the wearer in a non-aggressive manner while still calling people out on their racism.

Final Result

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 

The following video contains strobe effects that may affect photosensitive viewers.

You may watch until 1:04 and then click away or pause.

< The Legend of the Mankurt


Alippe? Алиппе?>

Aisulu Baibolova 2024. All rights reserved.

Aisulu Baibolova 2024. All rights reserved.

Aisulu Baibolova 2024. All rights reserved.