Checklists in Action
An interactive journey showcasing how the Surgical Safety Checklist transformed surgeries and saved lives worldwide.
Context & Challenge
The med-tech company strives to promote safety and best practices in operating rooms worldwide. To support this mission, our design team led a project centered on the Surgical Safety Checklist—a vital tool used globally in surgeries. The project highlights its development journey and evaluates its impact on enhancing surgical safety standards.
The challenge was to create a concise, engaging single-page tool that highlighted the importance of the Surgical Safety Checklist, raising awareness among employees and driving traffic to the main site. With an overwhelming amount of information available, we focused on distilling key elements into an impactful story, using clear visuals and compelling storytelling to keep users informed and engaged.
The microsite offers a smooth, engaging experience, guiding users through the story with intuitive scrolling. A navigation bar at the top provides flexibility, allowing users to jump between four key sections:
History: The origins and development of the checklist.
Impact: Its global success and positive outcomes.
Across Industries: How checklists are used beyond healthcare.
Challenges: Implementation hurdles and efforts to improve adherence.
This structure ensures users can explore the content seamlessly while following the full narrative.
Style & Design
Stepping away from the company’s usual branding, we focused on the checklist’s global impact, using a hand-drawn, storybook-inspired style to create a storytelling atmosphere. This personal, creative approach makes the content more engaging, approachable, and memorable for users.